Thursday, July 26, 2007

Reaching Out

I have always been, and I shall always be, an infidel.

I have read much (certainly not all) of Islam's holy texts. While I see excerpts that sound very pleasant, the vast majority of what I read scares the hell out of me.

When I look out at the Islamic World, all-too-often I see Muslims who obviously read the same texts, and who obviously understand them the same way I do -- and who obviously consider to be their sacred duty before their Creator the fulfillment of the very commandments and traditions that I find most ghastly and offensive.

I shall resist that to the death.

I would like to say that submission to such evil, for any length of time, simply is not in me, but what scares the hell out of me is that perhaps it is.

The terrorists and fanatics who perpetrate these acts are, after all, not monsters, but are fellow human beings, and if such evil is in them, then perhaps it is in me as well.

Certainly, humanity has proven time and again that the best of attributes are within us, as are the very worst. Far removed in space and time from Islam we see this, and know that it is a universal trait of humanity. Is it any surprise then that we find within the Islamic world kind, loving, friendly -- beautiful -- people, as well as rabid criminals?

If humanity's future is to be better than our past, then we must reach out to good people, wherever we find them, and acknowledge their beauty. We must be partners with them to get past humanity's common history.

The alternative is what those fanatics work so hard to establish: Hell on Earth.

This is not a theoretical issue.

I am acquainted with people that I have met on-line. They are Muslims. While I have liked them right from the start, I now realize that they are more than acquaintances: ours is a budding friendship.

How can I speak honestly about Islam without driving them away? -- because, that is exactly what humanity must do to survive: speak honestly about not just Islam, but about other things as well, without driving each other away.

Understand, I don't care what the fanatics think. They have declared themselves to be humanity's enemy, and only they can change that.

But, if the good people of the world are divided against each other in the face of evil, then that would be the real terror; that would be Hell on Earth, and the terrorists would have won.

Invited is the question: How on Earth can history get past people like us?

This post is dedicated to my Muslim friends: as our Creator lives, I am reaching out to you.

Help me, please.


WomanHonorThyself said...

Until they form MASS rallies in public countering terrorism by their brethren..I dont believe a word they say

RR said...

Doesn't it sound so incongrous that a terrorist and an ordinary Muslim can read and understand the same text, yet follow two different paths ? I think its a choice -of what people choose to see. I know its a bit too late to say don't judge Islam by its Muslims. But, it is true- when there are Muslims who are as ordinary and "safe" as all other humans, then there is a possibility that they follow something good. I don't knowwhat you've read. You can't be an infidel if you believe in one god. The difference in Islam is between believers and non-believers. Not necessarily Muslims and non-Muslims. And if you have enough humaneness and acc to my faith, not ascribe any partners to one god, you're a believer. See, how easy it is to be almost Muslim.
Thanks for the post.

Yankee Doodle said...

Rohana, you are one of the people I had in mind when I wrote this post, and here it has been a month since you made your comment and I just now noticed it. How embarrassing!

"I think its a choice -of what people choose to see."

Or, what they are conditioned and taught to see. Both are true.

"I know its a bit too late to say don't judge Islam by its Muslims."

Actually, I can almost hear the words "Don't judge Christianity by Christians" as well. People have a way of spoiling things.

"You can't be an infidel if you believe in one god. The difference in Islam is between believers and non-believers. Not necessarily Muslims and non-Muslims. And if you have enough humaneness and acc to my faith, not ascribe any partners to one god, you're a believer. See, how easy it is to be almost Muslim."

Thank you!

Maybe your prayer to make me one of the "fidels" was heard? ;)