Wednesday, June 6, 2007


It's worth pausing today and remembering the sacrifices of Allied troops on June 6th, 1944, and during the days before and after, at the landing operation in Normandy and in support of it.

The Soviet forces were making progress against Nazi Germany in eastern Europe, but with the firm establishment of a beachhead by the western Allies in France, it was obvious to everyone who had any sense and was willing to use it that the Nazis' days were numbered.

Of course, Hitler insisted on fighting to the bitter end.

Europe had been overrun violently by the forces of Nazi Germany and its allies during the years previous.

Currently, Europe is being invaded more-or-less peacefully by armies of Muslims; while their arrival is often peaceful, once there, their conduct often is not. Increasingly, once-peaceful European cities are being plagued by violence: rioting, murders and honor killings, gang rapes.... Still, many of the European elites encourage continued immigration from the Islamic world. It's just a matter of time before Europe becomes dominated again, by this power hostile to everything the West believes in and stands for.

It is with a degree of apprehension that we should remember the sacrifices made at Normandy in 1944, as we contemplate a more contemporary question: how are the beaches at Normandy today?

See also: The Collapse Of Europe, The Rise Of Islam and the Consequences for the United States; hat tip to Al Fin.


WomanHonorThyself said...

Thanks for the reminder my pause doesnt it?

pela68 said...

Hmm, yes and the frightening thing is that this slow invasion here in Europe actually is something planned. It has been going on for almost 50 years now. The really scary thing is that the invasion is supported by our politicians (seek and you will find).

The socialist governments in western Europe knows that the only way to hold on to power is to import ever more ME immigrants. The "echonomic" question is just a bag full of bovine manure. While the ever growing senior population sceartainly can not be supported by the younger generations, there is a very simple solution to it. Cut taxes. Get rid of the nanny state. Shrink the state to an absolute minimum and Bob´s your uncle.

But that would go against all that socialism stands for. Socialism is nothing else than a big pyramid game scam!