Saturday, June 9, 2007


There are some interesting posts over at Tariq Nelson's blog, posts which address the problems the Islamic community faces in dealing with those Muslims who support hatred, violence or terrorism, referred to as "Nutters".

Tariq Nelson seems to have devised a test to determine if a Muslim may be a supporter of terror: the Nutter IQ Test

How many spies are watching you at all times?

a) 2-3

b) 25-30

c) The entire NSA, plus two satellites are assigned to me and Bush gets daily updates of my movements

How many spies are there in the world?

a) 300 million

b) 400 million

c) There are actually 12 billion people on earth and not 6 billion. The other 6 billion unaccounted for people are the spies!

How many weekly trips to KFC do you make to try to catch spies?

a) Once a week, too many other restaurants to cover

b) 2-3 times a week

c) Everyday during lunch, and boy have a I caught a lot of them red handed, greasy fingered and acting like it tasted good

If a Jew is traveling from California at 55 MPH and another Jew is traveling from Maine at 65 MPH, how long before they control the world?

a) About 15 minutes

b) Depends on if they are eating cookies made with Palestinian blood

c) Which world are we talking about here BROTHER?!

What time do all the whites come to the black community and litter the streets?

a) 8:00AM when everyone is asleep

b) There are actually 25 hours in a day and they come at 13:00PM

c) I can’t find them …those sneaky jokers are using cloaking devices!

How much do spies get paid?

a) Thousands!

b) Billions!


Finish the following sentences:

Bruce Lee is …

a) a person spying on me that looks just like the Kung Fu dude

b) a code name for a plot against me

c) … not dead, but frozen in carbonite under Chatsworth and they’re gonna melt him down as soon as the economy gets better

Yusuf Smith, Amir Butler and Tariq Nelson are …

a) all members of the Illuminati. Codenames: “Hammer”, “Slammer” and “Flyguy”

a) Cheney, Bush and Nino Brown

c) The Sith Lords Darth Fitnah, Darth Verilous and Darth Calamitous and all carry those red lightsabers developed by the Pentagon

Fluoridated water is …

a) contains microscopic brainwashing chips to turn people into spies

b) destroys the microscopic brainwashing chips consumed when eating KFC

c) contains microscopic hearing devices

Are your socks the exact same pair you put on this morning? How can you be sure that no-one’s replaced them with a different but similar pair at some point?

a) Not at all sure, now that you mention it!!!!

b) How do you know I’m wearing socks BROTHER?!!

c) I don’t wear cotton socks as they’re part of a government plot to get you to wipe over them. Spies and those fooled by the gov’t wear cotton. I wear leather socks which can’t be secretly replaced

The media is

a) a hive minded monolith controlled by the Jews

b) has outposts on seven continents and the nineteen planets of the solar system

c) Hmmm, both a and b …because we know that there are nineteen planets in the solar system each with a spy base

Are WE in the Matrix??

a) Hmmm, I’ve never thought of that one! Better give it some thought and if we are how I can get out of here

b) Yes, YOU are!

c) The Matrix is a Jewish plot

Just how noble are you?

a) Me, my takfeeri friends and the terrorist bandits we support are the only noble people on earth. Light shines off our our faces from our nobility

b) It’s A)

c) All of the above

Here's another post, entitled Islamic Lessons or Brain-washing sessions?, which addresses the radicalization that is being attempted in some mosques. Go to this link and see the illustration!

(For my thoughts on radicalization, see Deal with the Devil and Khawarij.)

I may be slowly getting away from calling people like Tariq Nelson "moderate Muslims" -- to call them that increasingly seems to imply that if they took their religion more seriously, they would be terrorists. This is certainly not the case.

There is a great deal in the Koran and in Islamic writings that, in the hands of radicalized, hateful people, can be used to justify criminal acts -- and this is exactly what Bin Laden & Co (and many others) do.

However, there are many people in the Islamic community who do not interpret this material in that same way; they never have, and I don't think they ever will: they're just not criminals.

The Khawarij seem to be of the mind that "either you're with us, or you're with the infidels" -- and they have no tolerance for people who think for themselves. No wonder; people who think for themselves are going to question the criminal hatred of the Khawarij, and honest questioning of their actions is, for the Khawarij, the beginning of the end. The Khawarij are the Islamofascists, and they are totalitarian because they have to be; any freedom anywhere on the planet jeopardizes their power, which is nothing more than a house of cards built on lies, half-truths, paranoia, and hatred.

We can have all the reservations we want about Islam; we can disagree with it; we can question it; we can dislike it.

Let's keep in mind, though, that there are many people in the Islamic world who are every bit as threatened by Khawarij Islamofascism as we are. Indeed, there are people in the Islamic world who are right now more threatened and more oppressed by Koran-waving criminals than most of us ever will be: consider all the honor killings, for example.

Question Islam; the world needs to question Islam to survive.

But, let's not try to turn away decent people in the Islamic community who, if not our friends, at least honestly have no desire to be our enemies.

If, in questioning Islam, we turn away decent people who are our natural allies in the face of criminal and terrorist threats, then we may find that we leave them nowhere to turn but to our enemies. If we drive someone into the welcoming, hateful arms of the Khawarij Islamofascists, then we have hurt that person, and, ultimately, ourselves.


WomanHonorThyself said...

hi there my friend..complex questions u pose..and I am still doubtful bout the moderates and their views on Jews and Israel....,when u send a trackback please mention my post somewhere in yours and a link back to me please~..thanks~!..hope youre having a great weekend as well..:)

Yankee Doodle said...

Actually, I did this post before I went over and visited your blog. Sometimes I get pretty wrapped up in research and forget about other things.... :|

Yeah, I wonder sometimes, too. I wonder if the decent people in the Islamic community just don't know that much about their religion. And, I wonder what will happen when they really start finding out.

Implicit in this comment is the assumption that I know things about Islam that many Muslims don't....